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What is the difference between selling items at the Market and selling items to community members?

When and Where Selling items at the market can be done at any time, but market prices change frequently. Selling to community members can only be done when a mission or job asks you to, but you will sell it for the best price and

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Where do I get seeds for crops in the game?

Seeds are purchased at Crop Services, which is located on the map between the Feed Mill and Scrapyard. Crop Services can also be accessed using the Location tab.

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When can I get new equipment for my farm?

Farm Equipment Equipment upgrades can be purchased that improve your farm’s production. The ability to purchase farm equipment unlocks as you level up. Complete social, economic and environmental missions to level up!         

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market best price

Is there a way to see which items are selling for the best price?

The Selling High section at the market displays the items that are selling for a high price. If your farm needs more money, this is a great place to check! Market prices will change periodically, so check back to see when your items are selling

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changing market

How do I know what my items will sell for at the market?

Market Price & Market Timer Market price for a single item is indicated in the top right of the item listing. Market prices change periodically. Watch the timer to see when prices will change.

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What is the market?

Crops, produce, dairy, and crafted goods can be sold at the market. Selling items at the market will provide food for your community, give you more money and free up storage space. Farmers 2050 Market

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barn storage

Where are items I make on my farm stored?

In the Farmers 2050 game, all goods are stored in the barn. Barn storage is limited so make sure you are selling items to community members and in the market. In real life, farmers do not grow, manufacture and store such a variety of foods

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Can I collect items from multiple livestock on my farm at a time?

You can collect produce from multiple livestock at a time by dragging the collection icon over multiple livestock buildings. You must start at the livestock that was selected. You cannot collect from different types of livestock at once. For example, you can collect from three

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collect produce from livetsock

How do I collect from my livestock?

Tapping on livestock that have an item available, such as milk, will bring up the collection icon. Tap and drag the icon directly over top of the livestock in a sweeping motion.

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